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We always say “girls want to look beautiful and guys wanna look cool” What makes for a cool guy shot? Stand like the famous James Dean. Some close up tips would be to lean into the shot and look past the camera with an inquisitive look on your face, like something caught your eye in the distance. We also take pictures of our grooms looking at the camera because we understand that posing has a lot to do with personal preference so we shoot both.

Another great pose for close ups is squatting down and looking up towards the camera. Chin slightly up keeping your face even with the camera lens, with no tension in your forehead.

For full body images we love to pose men with the C-curve. You should turn slightly away from the camera, feet approximately shoulder width apart, lean into the hip that’s farthest away from the camera and put all the weight on the back leg. The C-curve makes men look more masculine, as apposed to straight on to the camera which looks like a mug shot.